Fielden - Digital Distiller

Fielden Whisky

2 products
    2 products

    Fielden Whisky

    Fielden Whisky takes a regenerative and sustainable approach to growing the grain that goes into their whiskies. This means using heritage grains, grown in clover, and without chemicals. It’s a more sustainable way of farming that’s better for the soil, the grain and the wildlife. And it makes a whisky full of flavour. Whisky of England!

    Fielden Regenerative Farming
    The bottle's stunning good looks feature an iconic label that echoes the underlying importance of the ecological and respectful manner in which this English Whisky is made both below and above the ground.
    Fielden Bottle and Label Design
    And, of course as every modern whisky drinker knows, there are a multitude of different ways to enjoy your whisky, whether on the rocks, in a highball or a whisky cocktail.

    Fielden Serving Suggestions

    See also The Oxford Artisan Distillery